From his unique viewpoint across the Atlantic, Keith was able to zero in on who really makes US markets move...then devise a sure-fire, mechanical method which uses that information to get in on each new move at or near the very start.
Keith discovered two important facts about the markets. First, he discovered (or re-discovered) that it's the big-money "Professionals" who really make markets move. All other activity - including the combined trades of thousands of individuals like you and me - represents only a tiny fraction of the money flowing into and out of the markets each day.
Keith also discovered the markets don't react to "Professional" buying and selling the way people think they do - and understanding the difference can literally make you a millionaire.
This is a carefully guarded secret among professional traders. Very few others know it. The professionals have even developed a variety of tricks they can use in order to "fool" the market, so they can make money on the "false" reaction.
After years of studying the markets, Keith developed a powerful, foolproof mechanical method of spotting what the "professionals" are doing....and how to accurately tell which direction the market will move in reaction to that professional money coming in.
Phenomenal Results!
When Keith first began trading his method, even he was astounded by its success. Trade after trade....month after month...the profits began to mount. They began to multiply....then expand geometrically. By any measure, his incredible breakthrough generated unheard-of results. For example:
- Winning percentage of 77.4% and more
- Returns on initial margin well into the four figures
- Profit:loss ratios of more than 9 to 1 - that's $9 earned on each winning trade for every dollar lost on a lost trade - and 8 out of every 10 traders are winners!
Chart-Based.....and Fully Mechanical
In a nutshell, Keith's Trading Edge Strategy™ zeroes in on what the "Professionals" are doing by looking at trading volume in relationship to market price.
But Keith's method does more than just look for peaks and valleys in the volume chart. He has found a way to tell - with incredible accuracy - if the volume bars on a chart are "loaded up" or "loaded down," so you can tell precisely which direction the professional money is betting the market will head next. It's like having a crystal ball that tells you what's going to happen tomorrow - yet it involves no magic, just Keith's brilliantly applied principles of basic mathematics.
The Word Gets Out
It should come as no surprise that word of Keith's incredible success soon made the rounds of traders throughout Europe. They pleaded with him....begged, in share his secret.
At first Keith was reluctant to do so. But the longer he thought about it, the more sense it made. After all, since it was the professional's money that was driving the market, a few dozen individual traders couldn't possibly have any big effect. So he gathered his notes and rules and put them all together in the form of a comprehensive trading manual. It took him over a year to complete it. And in the process, he refined his methods even more.
Keith calls his manual "Don't Tell the Professionals", a tongue-in-cheek reference to the tricks some professionals play in order to fool the trading public.