Dads Legacy

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Ellie Taft


Dad's Legacy
Blazing the Forex Trail to Your American Dream

Ellie wanted her six brothers and sisters to see how they could use a small portion of their inheritance to seek a life-long legacy of financial freedom, in just a few minutes a day. So, with loving care, she wrote Dad's Legacy.

How Ellie Taft became an authority on trading, and how this family treasure became available to you, is an interesting story.

But what's important right now is this: If you're interested in the possibility of turning a small amount of money into a vast fortune, Dad's Legacy is for you!

Written to excite, inform, and empower Ellie's non-trader sibs, you'll find yourself in the midst of an exciting adventure beyond compare.

But please, don't be fooled by the short sentences and liberal use of illustrations. Only the boring stuff has been cut out. When it comes to meat, you'll find plenty. Even seasoned pros are likely to pick up a thing or two.

"WOW! Just what I've always wanted"

  • A strategy that you can start with as little as $300
  • A strategy that is simple to learn using fill-in-the-blank trade sheets.
  • A quick, easy, and we think fun strategy that uses daily charts, available free on the internet.
  • A rock solid strategy that has produced 7-out-of-10 winners in actual live trading using real money.
  • A strategy that has yielded past profits of 226% in 21 months of live trading and shown the possibility of boosting returns to 677% by simply increasing trade-size as account-size grows.

Just Look At All You Get
To Help You Realize
Your Own American Dream

Dad’s Legacy
How You Can Support
Your American Dream
With a Winning FX Trifecta

Dad’s Legacy is a very special book. And your copy will be exactly like the original one I wrote for my brothers and sisters—

It’s letter-size… It has loads of pictures… And every illustration is clarified with circles, arrows, and a few brief words of explanation.

Together we will journey down an enlightened path… seeking compounded returns of 677% over the next 21 months... and striving to achieve your own American Dream come true.